Bispham with Norbreck Installation Meeting
An excellent evening of Mark Masonry was enjoyed by all when Bispham with Norbreck held its annual installation meeting on the second Friday in February. A goodly number of Mark Masons, including twelve Grand Officers, attended Bispham with Norbreck Mark Lodge which holds its meeting at the Masonic Hall Adelaide Street Blackpool and the principle guest for the evening was the Provincial Grand Junior Warden Worshipful Brother Lucas Roger Kelly representing the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.
Senior Member of Lodge W.Bro. T.Hudson P.G.J.O., W.Bro. D Rotherham, G.S.D.,
W.Bro.Lucas Roger Kelly Prov.G.J.W., W.Bro. Giles Berkley P.G.Stwd, Ass Prov.G.M.,
W.Bro. John Forster P.G.J.D., Prov.G.M. Sp. Rep.
The Lodge was opened at 6.00pm by the Worshipful Master Brother John Chapman who completed the domestic and administrative items on the agenda. A ballot took place for Brother Grahame David Whattam as a Joining Member of the Lodge, the ballot proved favourable and Bro. Whattam was welcomed into the lodge by the Worshipful Master. On a report the Lodge Director of Ceremonies announced that the representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was seeking admission, W. Bro Kelly Prov.G.J.W. along with the Grand Officers entered the Lodge in processional order. W.Bro. Kelly was welcomed into the Lodge by the Worshipful Master and escorted to a seat in the Lodge, the usual salutations were given.
Galaxy of Grand Officers (Past Dep Grand Master looking down on them)
W.M. Ken Jones and I.P.M. John Chapman
Prov.G.J.W. with W.M.
The next item on the agenda was to Install Brother Kenneth Edward Jones as Worshipful Master of Bispham with Norbreck Lodge of Mark Master Masons. Worshipful Brother Dave Kenworthy Worship Master of Semper Fedelis Lodge was invited to occupy the Senior Wardens Chair, Worshipful Brother Peter Maxwell a Past Master of Bispham with Norbreck Lodge to occupy the Junior Wardens Chair and Worshipful Brother Stephen Smith also of Bispham with Norbreck Lodge to occupy the position of Inner Guard. The Installing Officers in place Worshipful Brother Giles Frederick Berkley Past Grand Steward Assistant Provincial Grand Master presented Bro. Jones to the Worshipful Master for Installation. The Ceremony of Installation was conducted by the Installing Master W.Bro. John Chapman in an exemplary manner and W.Bro. Chapman is to be congratulated on the quality of his work.  Bro. Jones having been Installed as Worshipful Master was acknowledged and greeted by the members of his Lodge  The Working Tools were presented and explained by Worshipful Brother Andrew Dickson Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and Lodge Secretary and the keystone Jewel and Charity Jewels were presented and explained by Worshipful Brother Douglas John Forster Past Grand Junior Deacon the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Masters Special Representative for the Fylde Coast in their own inimitable manner.
W.M., Prov.G.J.W., with the D.C. and Ass.D.C.
W.M. with some of the Installation Team
Past Prov G.Tyler with protégé Present Tyler
The fist address that to the Worshipful Master was delivered by Worshipful Brother Melvyn Cross Past Grand Junior Deacon and Lodge Assistant Director of Ceremonies in a delightful manner. The Worshipful Master Then Appointed and Invested his officers for the ensuing year. The address to the Wardens was given by Worshipful Brother Giles Frederick Berkley Past Grand Steward, Assistant Provincial Grand Master in a manner we have come to expect from a leader in the Province and the address to the Overseers by Worshipful Brother Anthony Cross Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and Lodge Director Of Ceremonies, it did appear that it was not the first time he had delivered that particular address. The address to the brethren was delivered in a faultless manner by Worshipful Brother Kelly Provincial Grand Junior Warden. W. Bro Berkley presented, now, Worshipful Brother John Chapman with an Immediate Past Master Jewel which had been returned to the Lodge after been misplaced for some time. With the Installation Ceremony over W.Bro. Kelly gave the greeting of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.
W.M. welcomes Joining Member
When any other business was completed and after the second rising the Lodge Director of Ceremonies formed a procession and W.Bro. Kelly and the Grand Officers retired. When the Worshipful Master Brother Ken Jones had closed the Lodge and processed out the short time between the meeting and Festive board was used for the ubiquitous photo shoot and just enough time for an aperitif. The Installation Banquet took the form of a rather delicious three course dinner with coffee / tea. The toasts and responses were well received and before long we were out into the not to pleasant Blackpool night air another excellent evening of Mark Masonry at its very best.
Words and pictures by Ernie Gavan